The old Killarney Jailhouse, built in 1886
The lock-up at Killarney is completed. It is a squared log building with a cottage roof, and contains four cells and a day room. It is understood that John Egan will be the keeper. The boys will have to be careful when they go down to Irishtown for their little benders now.
Manitoulin Expositor, December 4th, 1886
The old Killarney Jailhouse and its two cells, in the summer of 2001.
Brief History of the Jailhouse

As reported in the above newspaper excerpt, the Killarney Jailhouse originally contained four cells. The two remaining cells have their original heavy doors, with a rectangular hole cut in the wall above each doorway for light and ventilation. The side windows of the jailhouse still have their original bars. For many years, a high board fence surrounded the building, acting as a further security feature, but it was removed some years ago along with two of the cells. Exterior siding was added and the building eventually came to be used as the Municipal Council chambers.

Various men of the community served as Town Constable, including Vinnie Roque and John Proulx. In 1961, Killarney became accessible by road, and the Ontario Provincial Police established a detachment here soon after.

In 1967, the Killarney Museum was established in the Jailhouse as part of the community's Centennial project, celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Canada. The building was closed for a number of years until the late 1970s, when the Killarney Community Improvement Association began researching the history of the area and re-opened the Jailhouse as a Museum. In 1981 the interior paneling was applied to the main room. The present Museum, located in the log building behind the Jailhouse, was designed and built by local men and opened in 1985. The roof of the Jailhouse was replaced in May 2001.
Street Map of Killarney
Aerial view of Killarney, 1990s