Records from Indian Affairs Canada
The information available from this page was copied from results obtained through the ArchiviaNet database, at the National Archives of Canada website. You may be able to obtain from the  Archives complete copies of the files whose titles are listed under each of the links at the bottom of this page. Some files are still under restricted access. Check ArchiviaNet's link to information about obtaining a copy of the entire file.
A Note About Enfranchisement (Loss/Sale of Indian Status)

The term "enfranchisement" refers to the loss of Indian Status. Depending on how the Indian Act dealt with a particular situation, the loss could be "voluntary" or involuntary. Enfranchisement originally referred to Indians gaining the right to vote. Status Indians did not have the right to vote in federal or provincial elections before 1960. If they gave up their status, they gained the right to vote (they were "enfranchised").

Until 1951, the Indian Act defined a "person" as "an individual other than an Indian". If an Indian wanted to legally become a person, (with all the legal rights of a person, such as the right to vote, to own property...etc), he or she could do so only by becoming enfranchised. If the head of a household applied to be enfranchised, the spouse and children of that household and their descendants automatically became enfranchised. Even into the 1900s, any Indian who obtained a college degree, became a member of the clergy, or was admitted to practice law or be a notary public, could be involuntarily enfranchised under the Act. Indian women who married non-Indian men lost their status and their Band membership, as did their children.

When the Indian Act was amended in 1985, guidelines were developed for reinstating the status of those who gave up, sold, lost, or had been denied their status, including the status of their descendants. 

The word "enfranchisement" is now often used to refer to all losses of Indian status that resulted from the sale of Treaty Rights, applications for enfranchisement made by heads of households, marriages of Indian women to non-Indian men...etc. If you are applying for registration as an Indian, remember that any documents or other information about your ancestors that deal with the sale of Treaty Rights or any other type of enfranchisement are valuable for demonstrating your entitlement to registration. That type of information does not mean that all of that ancestor's descendants cannot register as Indians. It used to mean that, before the Act was changed in 1985. Instead, that information can now be used to prove that the ancestor who sold/lost/gave up his or her status was recognized by the government as an Indian, even if his or her name cannot now be found on a Band list.
Information for Killarney Families

To date, information in records created by Indian Affairs and kept by the National Archives has been found for some members of the following families:


de la Morandiere

1875 Enfranchisement Application
of Pierre Regis, Dominique, and Charles Alfred de la Morandiere,
Members of Spanish River Band



Prue (Proulx)



